Jekyll + Netlify
07 Dec 2020So I bought a website domain almost 2 years ago and I din’t have a website. It happened before already. I’ve had a domain, I renewed it and I had no website. Eventually I bought a template and published a static site by changing some html.
I know if you are reading this you probably have done the same once 👀
As a programmer I want to have a website AND I don’t want to do it from scratch.
I really like simple things and I like to write plain text. Jekyll lets you to generate static sites with markdown files.
So my setup is like this:
- Jekyll - the static site generator
- Lanyon Theme - an open source pretty Jekyll theme
- Github - where the site is “stored”
- Netlify - publishing and hosting tool
How does it work?
- You link Netlify to your Github repo
- Netlify will use your config to publish on new git pushes
- You write a post or change something on your site
- You commit it to your Github repo
- Netlify will detect the changes and will publish your website
How much does it cost?
- You can host it in your Github public page by free
- If you prefer, you can purchase a website domain to have your custom URL
- Jekyll is free
- Netlify will be free to your static site
So it’s simple and might even be free :)
Many thanks to jsmp that introduced me these tools some days ago ❤️